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Regents approve 2024-25 tuition rates with continued focus on affordability, 新项目, 马丁代尔装修

网上赌博网站十大排行董事会在周四的例会上批准了该机构2024-25学年的学费, 包括学杂费, 食宿费, 以及支持大学继续强调可及性和可负担性的补充费用.


基于30学时, 明年秋季就读网上赌博网站十大排行的州内本科生预计平均净学费为210美元.15, 而州外本科生的平均净学费估计为420美元.29.

另外, room rates will increase between $260 和 $320 annually, depending on the residence hall a student selects. Meal plan rates will cost between $140 和 $182, depending on the residential meal plan selected.

Tuition rates for graduate-level programs vary, based on program 和 delivery methods.

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·塔图姆(左)和董事会主席罗克珊娜·斯瓦尼在周四的董事会会议上听取了一份报告. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

西北总裁博士. 兰斯·塔图姆(左)和董事会主席罗克珊娜·斯瓦尼在周四的董事会会议上听取了一份报告. (Photo by Lauren Adams/Northwest Missouri State University)

Presenting the proposed rates to regents, 网上赌博网站十大排行财务和行政副校长Stacy Carrick指出,网上赌博网站十大排行的指导原则与费率有关,网上赌博网站十大排行通过运营效率和成本控制战略实现了具有竞争力的定价.

根据密苏里州高等教育和劳动力发展部最近发布的一份报告, 网上赌博网站十大排行是州立大学中效率最高的,每个全日制学生获得的州拨款是最低的,每个学位和证书获得的州拨款是最低的.

同时, Northwest’s net price ranks below the state average of top competitors in Missouri, 爱荷华州, 内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州. 进一步, 96%的第一次, 网上赌博网站十大排行的全日制学生和82%的本科生获得奖学金或助学金,以帮助降低学费.

In addition to costs for tuition, 食宿, the Board approved increasing designated fees by a total of $5.每学时30美元. 这一增长将支持项目的增量运营和通胀成本,包括 安全回家, 学生活动校园娱乐 以及解决基础设施老化和延期维护问题的校园总体规划.

Northwest’s technology fee will increase by $1, 和 the textbook fee will increase by 50 cents per credit hour. 结合, the University’s innovative textbook 和 laptop rental programs save 学生 an average of $6,800 during four years at Northwest.  



的 University anticipates the Bachelor of Science in public health, which Northwest will offer online 和 in person on its Maryville campus, will serve a new market of 学生 interested in the public health field. 该学位课程将向学生介绍与差异和改善不同人群健康相关的概念, health policy 和 epidemiology. It also will help 学生 develop skills to critically evaluate health problems, investigate health trends to develop interventions, learn to communicate with constituents 和 become leaders in public health.

12小时的数据分析研究生证书将在网上提供,帮助对商业智能和数据分析感兴趣的专业人士. Students will complete four introductory courses to obtain the certificate, 和 the coursework may be applied to Northwest’s Master of Science degree program in data analytics.

Martindale Hall renovations, beautification project

Regents approved the next phase of Northwest’s renovation at Martindale Hall to address space needs 和 centralize operations for allied health sciences programs. 这所大学 completed a renovation of the facility’s third floor last year, is now ready to embark on renovations 和 expansion of the building’s first 和 second floors.

On Thursday, regents authorized 西北总裁博士. Lance Tatum和Carrick将与选定的投标人执行合同,该合同的总项目成本为17美元.500万年. 的 third-floor renovation totaled about $1.卡里克解释说,200万美元,一楼和二楼的装修预计要花费14美元.3 .除其他项目费用外,如家具和设备,共计约200万美元.

的 Missouri General Assembly has approved $8.500万美元对17美元.项目总成本为500万美元,要求西北公司在2024年12月之前筹集剩余的项目资金.

当完成, the renovated space will house the University’s foods 和 nutrition lab, a well-being lab 和 a sports science lab as well as classrooms, collaboration spaces 和 lounge spaces.

马丁代尔大厅于1926年作为大学体育馆开放,并在1973年至1975年之间进行了翻新和重新用于学术课程. 的 building serves as the primary office location for the School of Health Science 和 Wellness 和 includes four classrooms 和 other learning activity spaces.

In laying groundwork for a separate project near Martindale Hall, 董事会批准了该大学通过密苏里州交通部的交通替代方案(TAP)申请拨款,寻求资金支持,以改善人行横道的愿望。. 授予, 如果授予西北, will pay for 80 percent or up to $600,000 of the total project cost; Northwest will fund the remaining 20 percent or up to $150,000 from its annual Campus Master Plan funds to meet the total project cost of $750,000.

拟议的项目包括一个新的人行横道和广场重建,从Olive DeLuce美术大楼的第四街入口延伸到 Joyce 和 Harvey White International Plaza 街道照明和一条连接穆恩大道和雷大道的新人行道在街道的南侧.

Tatum recaps first year as president

During his report to the Board, Tatum reflected on his first year at the University, noting that 去年3月,他参加了第一次董事会议,同时被介绍为该机构的下一任领导人.

“I want to say thank you to everyone for the opportunity that’s been given to us, 和 we are still very humbled about this – the chance to be the president at Northwest,” Tatum said on behalf of his family. “I also want to say thank you to everyone who has made the transition so smooth for us. It has been remarkably easy to transition into this community 和 into this university.”

塔图姆对哈佛大学在过去一年中取得的成就感到自豪,并为该校未来的成功奠定了基础. Specifically, he highlighted 董事会批准了一项定于今年夏天开始的能源基础设施现代化项目 还成立了一个工作组,研究和改进西北航空的招聘做法,并继续提高员工薪酬.

的 president also discussed his work to establish relationships with state, regional 和 local leaders, in addition to Northwest employees, 学生, 校友及朋友. 塔图姆已经接受了参加几个学生活动的邀请,包括 visiting two 学生 who won a “Bearcat Cribs” room-decorating contest last fall 和判断 Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority’s Mr. Northwest competition last month.

Tatum celebrated recent Bearcat athletics accolades, including successful seasons for the 男人的女性的 篮球队, upcoming induction of 男人的 head coach Ben McCollum into the Missouri Sports Hall of Famenational honors for members of Northwest’s indoor track 和 field team.

Finally, Tatum paid tribute to Dr. 克拉伦斯•格林, 他在2022-23学年担任网上赌博网站十大排行的临时校长,最近宣布在工作了28年之后从网上赌博网站十大排行退休. 绿色, although he was not in attendance during Thursday’s meeting, 在塔图姆发言结束时,董事会成员和与会者起立鼓掌.

“I’m going to miss Clarence,” Tatum said. “I’ve never seen him without a smile on his face. I have never seen him not in good humor. 我从来没有跟他谈过一件制度性的事情,他对在这里工作的人和在这里上学的学生的热情在他说的每一句话中都表现出来. He is truly this university’s greatest advocate. I know that as he begins the next chapter of his life, 他会知道,他会完全明白,他离开网上赌博网站十大排行比来到这里时要好——我知道这一点,因为我已经告诉过他好几次了.”

校董会 is responsible for sound resource management of the University 和 determining general, educational 和 financial policies.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

